Atlantis Travel Agency in Athens, Greece - cruise the beautiful islands of Greece with up to 30% discount and free hotel stay in Athens!

You are booking the Athens By Night Tour - click to see the tour details

Book the Athens By Night Tour

Your Contact Information
Please make sure that your name & email address are given correctly.

Telephone Number
Fax Number (optional)
ZIP Code

Available on the following days:
-. From 15 November 2019 until 12 January 2020: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (except 24, 26, 31 December, and 2 January)
-. From 13 January until 8 March 2020: Every Thursday and Saturday
-. From 9 March until 31 March 2020: Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
-. From 1 April until 31 October 2020: Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday

Select Tour Date

Day Month Year

Pick-up points (hotels in Athens)

Our Special Price for the Athens By Night tour is 57 Euro per adult (official price 66 Euro - you save 9 Euro per adult), and 33 Euro per child (under 12 years-old), including dinner in a traditional Greek taverna with live music and dancing.
Infants under 4 years-old (who are not occupying a seat in the coach) are carried Free of Charge, but they are not entitled to any meals or facilities.

Number of Passengers - Cost Calculation

Number of adults (or over 12 years-old): x 57 Euro = Euro
Number of children under 12 years-old:  x 33 Euro = Euro

Credit Card Authorization for the Athens By Night Tour

Important: The credit card holder needs to be one of the passengers who will take this tour. The tour ticket will be issued under the name of the credit card holder.

I hereby authorize Atlantis Travel Agency of Athens Greece, to charge EURO to my credit card with details that follow below.
This amount will be the full payment for the Athens By Night Tour, for the date specified above, for the number of passengers specified above.

Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date: Month   Year
CVC number: (this is the 3-digit number on the back of the card card)
Name on the card:
Billing Address:

High quality travel services since 1948 - Member of IATA since 1951

Address: 5 Patission Str. & 9 Omonia Square, Athens 10431, Greece
Tel: +30 - 210-5202700   Fax: 210 - 52 01 037
Email: t